neděle 7. května 2017

How to complete the language passport

Today I want to share with you instructions how to complete the language passport. You can do fill it online → this page. But you can also download the template. Templates are available in many different languages, depending on what language you are learning. I´m working with English version, but actually it´s the same in every language. 

On the top you can can see two bosex, one for mother tongue and the other for other language(s). Mother tongue is language you speak with your family and language(s) you used in your neighbourhood. Into the second box you write languages that your teaacher speak to you in the school. Both boxes include languages in which you feel more or less like a native speaker. You can speak these languages but maybe you are not able to read or write in some of them. For this you can use the table below, which allows you to desctibe more exactly your level in the languages.

For self-assisment it´s good to use Common  European Framework. You can in details desctibe you level in different ways - such as listening, reading, spoken interaction, spoken production, writing. If you are not sure which level you have, don´t worry, because this is coomon problem. There are different ways how to complete it. For example you can shade the box if you think you reached the level you wrote there. Or you can shade the boxes if you think that some of the things described in the level you can´t do with confidence. It´s up to you.

Next part is certificates and diplomas. You can include diplomas from different language courses. You can indicate, for example, how many hours a week the course was, if there was some particular topic. You can also not when you started and ended the course.

The last part is linguistic and intercultural experience. This provide you the opportunity to illustrate your language skills in your personal experiences. There are several types of experiences:
  • Using language for study or training
  • Usings langauge at work
  • Using language while living or travelling abroad
  • mediating between langauages

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